Gyansagar International school

President's Desk

Dear Esteemed Visitors & Gyan Sagar School Community,

Welcome to Gyan Sagar ! As the Director, it is my privilege to extend a warm greeting to all parents & esteemed members of this prestigious institution – Gyansagar International School, where young tender minds are groomed and are prepared to bring out the leaders of tomorrow.

At Gyansagar we have the principle that education is not restricted to bookish knowledge or to the classroom lessons only. It is our effort to provide learning spaces that foster learning that is interactive,thought provoking and imaginative. We do not merely intend to teach knowledge; we focus on academic, character, and co-curricular objectives in offering leadership, integrity, and social responsibility.

Our curriculum is very rigorous offering quality programs and experiences that help students to develop into great scholars in the ever competing world.Currently, as we ensure enabling the child to achieve his or her dreams is my vision for the institution. We are committed to inspire and maintain culture of innovation and growth to make our school best school in terms of education.

Please visit our inquiry platforms to know more about the various bright programs and prospect which Gyansagar has to offer. Whether you are a thinking about enrolling at our school, parent or educator, it is my earnest suggestion that come for a tour at the school and feel the pulse of the school that is rich in diversity.

Warm regards,

Arun Singh Thakur
Gyan Sagar International School